Day 180 as a Mother

Loved reading this! Baby Jay is 20 weeks old and I am just starting the weaning journey. It really is the best job in the world being a mummy! X

My little cute face


It’s been six months since I was blessed with my little cute face. My life before he was born has become a distant past. I am very use to my little man around me.

I woke up one day at the middle of the night and was searching for him under the sheets. I was almost having a panic attack when LH asked me what I was looking for. I told him I was looking for Baby JOOD. He looked at me funnily and pointed to the baby cot. “He is in the cot where you placed him hours ago”, he said. I was too relieved to feel foolish, lol. Needless to say, I got lots of laugh from LH the next day for my “action moves”.

Lots of things have happened in the last two months. Firstly, Baby JOOD is now a big boy; he takes purees, yogurt and mashed soft fruits…

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